Star Wars: Rogue One - 16 Major Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

12. Saw Will (Possibly) Lose His Hair

Star Wars Rogue One 2

Most of the character info was kept to set-up and where the heroes are at the start of the film, but we didn't learn one interesting plot point; Saw will lose his hair.

In the teaser, Forest Whitaker was fully bald in both of his appearances, but in EW's stills he sporting a raggedy bouffant, so either the film spans a much longer time period than any previous Star Wars film or at some point he's going to have it shaved off.

He's noticeably limping in the teaser, using a staff for balance, and given his position as a deadly Rebel is likely a new affliction; are the two changes linked? Perhaps he was captured by the Empire, where he was injured and shaved, which would explain his rather foreboding statement to Jyn.

Another possibility is that this is the result of those reshoots that got everyone talking a couple of weeks back - what if Whitaker filmed his scenes originally bald, but the visual look of the character is one of the rumoured major changes being made. It sounds a bit ridiculous at first, but don't rule it out completely.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.