Star Wars: Rogue One - 16 Major Details Lucasfilm Just Revealed

11. Mads Mikkelsen Is Jyn's Father And A Brilliant Scientist (But They Don't Want You To Know Any More)

Star Wars Rogue One 2

It's been rumoured for an obscenely long time that Mads Mikkelsen would be playing the Oppenheimer-type (a phrase repeated so often I bet most of the people saying it don't even understand the meaning) behind the space station's construction. It's a bloody interesting idea, but Lucasfilm have been mum about the actor's part in the film - he wasn't in the trailer and everything we thought we knew was just speculation.

Well, EW finally gives us some concrete details, even if it was only confirming what we already knew - Mads is indeed Galen Erso, Jyn's estranged father, and the article has a direct allusion to Oppenheimer, which is all but confirmation he's the architect of the Empire's superweapon (please have the line "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of galaxies").

That's clearly all they want to tell, however, almost like any info at all is damage control; where he's been while Jyn's been rebelling is something Kiri Hart said "we probably don’t want to share right now", which is echoed in the fact Galen's the only main character we still don't have any image of. It definitely seems that the company really want to keep him under wraps.

So obviously Galen's essential to the film, which pumps up his daughter's part in the bigger picture too. My thinking based on all this is that he's actually the focus on the mission; the Rebel's want to steal/kidnap/save the architect from the clutches of the Empire so they can get the plans to defeat their ultimate weapon. You read it here first.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.