Star Wars: Rogue One Vs Solo - Which Is Better?

10. Subplots

Rogue One Solo

Rogue One's major subplot revolved around who would receive credit for the Death Star. While this is essentially the intergalactic version of a company's executives fighting over who was actually hatched the idea for a big project, it tied into the main narrative just fine and the banter between Orson Krennic and Grand Moff Tarkin made it entertaining enough. The subplot revolving around Saw Gerrera's extremist group was also decent, even if not a whole lot of time was dedicated to it.

Solo is also a film that featured subplots that were fairly interesting, just not all that well developed. The romantic subplot between Han and Qi'ra was well written and added a new layer of depth to Han's history, but never really got the chance to hit any sort of stride. In addition, Han's time as a street criminal on Corellia, as well as his time as an Imperial trooper were mostly glossed over. Finally, the Enfys Nest subplot as well as L3-37's rebellion are fun and do play to the themes of the Star Wars universe at large, but aren't especially great outside the bubble of Solo's runtime.

Winner: Neither anthology film particularly excels as far as subplots are concerned. That said, Rogue One's subplots carry little relevance outside the film, whereas Solo's help add layers to both Han Solo's character, as well as the early days of the rebellion. In turn, Solo takes the point.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.