Star Wars: Rogue One - Who Lives, Who Dies (And Why)

8. Baze Malbus


Much like his friend and partner Chirrut Îmwe, Baze Malbus comes from the planet Jedha. Both appear to reluctantly join the Rebel cause after what is assumed to be their planets apparent destruction as seen in the trailers. While Îmwe's weapon of choice is a staff, Malbus sports a repeater blaster; a weapon in which he appears to be a crack shot with.

While the original Star Wars had Chewie and Han, it's possible Îmwe and Malbus are the buddy pair fans get to follow in Rogue One. How the two are connected is a mystery but it's likely their pairing will lead to possible comedic moments on screen. The two also appear to contrast with one another: Îmwe a devoted follower of a hokey religion and Malbus an apparent believer in actual force with a blaster at his side.

Fate: Dies

It's easy to assume the entire Rogue One crew goes up in flames by films end, but would that leave a warm feeling for fans? Malbus will be one of those characters that doesn't make it through. Using the trailers as any possible reference, and an earlier spoiler dropped by cast member Donnie Yen, it looks like Malbus goes head-to-head with the new AT-ACT walker.

Even though he's at the business end of a rocket launcher, his odds of surviving the frontal attack have to be limited.


“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw