Star Wars: The 11 Actors Who Played Darth Vader

5. C. Andrew Nelson - The Special Edition Addition

Star Wars Darth Vader Actors

The universally-maligned Special Editions were not only achieved using now-dated CGI, but also by shooting brand new footage.

For the extended scene of Darth Vader leaving Cloud City, C. Andrew Nelson wore the Vader suit. It's a short, distant shot, but has been enough to make him a regular at Comic Cons. The scene's new line, "Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival" (which replaced the much cooler "Bring my shuttle"), was taken from an unused recording made by James Earl Jones for the original Star Wars.

That isn't the extent of Nelson's life as Darth Vader - during his time at both LucasArts and ILM, he served as a character model for Star Wars: Dark Forces and Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire, as well as numerous promotional works.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.