Star Wars: The 11 Actors Who Played Darth Vader

4. Sebastian Shaw - The Man Under The Mask

Star Wars Darth Vader Actors

When Luke removes a dying Vader's mask at the climax of Return Of The Jedi, it's the scarred face of veteran actor Sebastian Shaw looking back at him. Richard Marquand originally wanted a famous face behind the mask, but Lucas rightfully stepped in, realising it would distract from the weight of the scene.

Although Shaw was a relatively prolific actor, well known in theatre circles, it's this short moment that would come to define him in the popular consciousness.

Shaw also played the Force ghost of Anakin seen at the very end of the film, but was replaced on the 2004 DVD by Hayden Christensen, to cries of terror.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.