Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Awesome Things (That Won’t Happen)

3. Some Clarification On The Prophecy Of The Chosen One Way back in The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon Jinn had this idea that Anakin Skywalker was going to be the Chosen One to fulfill the prophecy of bringing balance to the Force. Everyone else thought that Anakin was too old to be trained and was dangerous, but Qui-Gon was willing to follow his instincts and train the boy, consequences be damned. By the end of Episode III, it's abundantly clear that whatever it was that Anakin was destined to do, it wasn't for the benefit of the Galaxy. Or was it? The prophecy has never been entirely clear. Some have speculated that if balance is a quantitative issue, then Darth Vader did exactly as he set out to do. By the end of Revenge of the Sith the numbers of Jedi and Sith are equal: Darth Sidious and Darth Vader along with Yoda and Obi-Wan represent the known, trained Force sensitives in the Galaxy. Probably. There were still plenty of Jedi in the expanded Universe that avoided Order 66. Though fans do have to accept that all the continuity is gone, it leaves the reality of that prophecy in question. As soon as Luke begins his training with Obi-Wan, that equilibrium has become disrupted. If Episode VII would awaken, along with the Force, some answers about this prophecy that would be great, but they probably won't happen because it would require too much throwing back and a return of Obi-War and Qui-Gon.

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Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.