Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Fears Alleviated By The Teaser Trailer

5. The Direction Looks Crisp & Fluid

The Fear: Modern cinematic conventions would result in lots of shaky cam. Why The Teaser Eased That Fear: J.J. Abrams' style has previously been compared to that of his biggest inspiration, Steven Spielberg, a man who has influenced Abrams to such an extent that he actually made an entire movie as a homage to his favourite director with Super 8. Looking at the teaser, then, it's possible to see that Abrams has rendered Episode VII in a noticeably clean and crisp cinematic style - more so than in Star Trek. Which means that the film does look kind of Spielbergian, which couldn't be better news. The way the shots have been composed also brings back memories of the original Star Wars flick, which lacked close-ups and opted, instead, for lots of mid-shots. It's also nice to see that iconic shots, such as the interior X-Wing shots, have made a comeback. All in all, Abrams looks to have really nailed the style.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.