Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Fears Alleviated By The Teaser Trailer

3. The Right Amount Of "Old" And "New"

The Fear: The filmmakers would squeeze in as many references to the old trilogy as possible, just 'cause. Why The Teaser Eased That Fear: Okay, so this is slightly presumptuous territory, perhaps, but what's the point of dissecting something unless you go all the way? Thinking back to George Lucas' prequel trilogy, then, one of the biggest issues that fans had with those movies came from the director's insistence of making sure that everything - and that means everything - linked up. Vader built C-3PO? "Give us a break, George." What's great about this particular chapter is that no pre-existing threads have to be forced together (excuse the pun): the story is moving forwards instead of backwards, so Abrams and his team have the opportunity to do what they want. Which means that Episode VII should embrace just enough of the old films without having them cast a shadow over the new story beats, and the trailer allows us to see that at play.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.