Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 "Mind-Boggling Twist" Theories

3. Luke Is Dead

Wondering why Luke is missing? Well, he's dead. He was hunted down by the Knights Of Ren in the years following Return Of The Jedi, tragically sending his daughter away into exile as a final act to save her from those who sought to destroy the Force. He will still appear in The Force Awakens, but he'll be pretty see through. Any Evidence? Well, he's not in the trailers (other than that flash of hand that's assumed to be his) and it would make sense that Kylo Ren "proved" his Dark powers by killing Luke in place of the Sith master he never actually had. A symbolic slaying by proxy, as it were. This theory - a surprisingly virulent strain among the fans - is based mostly on the fact that he's being hidden from marketing and on the assumption that someone very important has to die for dramatic impact.

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