Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 "Mind-Boggling Twist" Theories

2. Darth Vader Lives

He might be dead, but that doesn't mean Darth Vader is really dead dead. After all, Captain Kirk was dead once and JJ Abrams brought him back with a ridiculous twist that should have had fans tearing their chairs up in disgust. And that means there's precedent. Vader being alive - or revived - would make massive sense for Disney in marketing terms, and no amount of fan protest can hide the fact that the franchise is based on magic, which basically makes anything possible. Any Evidence? There seems to be increasing talk about the relevance of Darth Plagueis to the underlying ideas of The Force Awakens, and there's a distinct possibility that Abrams could have adapted his death-conquering midichlorian manipulation with a similar ceremony based on Sith and Force artefacts. There is also some suggestion that Luke is actually in exile guarding an important Sith tomb, which could be similarly important (it could even be Plagueis' own resting place) if Kylo Ren learns of a means to raise Darth Vader from the dead. And then there's that reported glimpse of Vader in the background of the International trailer... which is probably nothing.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.