Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things Everybody Missed In The New Trailer

6. New Stormtrooper Variants

It's fair to say this new Imperial faction is a little different from those seen in the Original Trilogy. Their new logo looks like a cult-ish bastardisation of the classical Empire emblem, their spaceships have had a pretty big redesign (more on that later) and, most noticeably, the Stormtrooper armour has received a proper upgrade, with connected "mouth" and eyes, and a new pistol holster. But that's not the only new Imperial armour design seen in the new trailer. In the shot of the amassed forces in front of their leader, you can also catch a glimpse of a new Stormtrooper variant in the crowd - the Flametrooper. Boasting a helmet reminiscent of the Revenge Of The Sith's Clone Troopers and a backpack full of flammable gas, this is offers up a new threat for the heroes - a lightsaber's little defence from their fire. The movie's also going to show off a newly designed Snowtrooper (with a reinforced helmet and a thin single eyeslit), which isn't seen here, but a costume of which was seen at Star Wars Celebration.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.