Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 10 Things Everybody Missed In The New Trailer

5. A New TIE Fighter Design

The first trailer revealed (albeit briefly) that the TIE Fighters in The Force Awakens were a little bit different to those from the Original Trilogy - they now had white solar panels on the wings highlighted by grey, a reverse of the classic look. The second teaser not only offers up a better look at this new coloration, but reveals that the changes are far from just cosmetic. The TIE Fighter seen turning on the Empire (is it piloted by Finn?) doesn't sport the usual webbed window, instead appearing to have a small, thin viewport. This could easily be a new type of cockpit, but as all other TIEs in the trailer sport the iconic segmented version, that seems unlikely. Instead, we're probably looking at the ship from behind, which is less exciting, but still reveals a cool detail; the weapons on the Imperial short range fighters have had an upgrade - no longer just aimed directly ahead, the laser turret can swivel, making the fighter much more deadly. Notice also the red decals painted around the ball cockpit. The TIE pilot seen later in the trailer sports similarly coloured stripes down his helmet, suggesting a new, or maybe bastardised, colour scheme for this Imperial Remnant.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.