Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 6 Reasons Mark Hamill Could Ruin It

1. He Is Wary Of JJ Abrams

While Hamill has admitted that he hasn€™t been in touch with his co-star Harrison Ford for years before the shoot began, there is someone much more important than Han he will have needed to make nice with for the new instalment to work. Fanning the flames of fan warfare at a convention in Anaheim earlier this year, Hamill admitted to those in attendance that he was €œsuspicious€ of the man chosen to direct The Force Awakens, the same man behind the Star Trek reboot, JJ Abrams. The actor described the disbelief he felt when Abrams was first announced as the man at the helm of Episode 7: "I was a little suspicious because he was a 'Star Trek' guy. It just seems odd. He feels the way you feel in terms of wanting practical effects. Real sets." One of the main things that riled Star Wars fans about episodes one through three was the unbearable amount of sloppy CGI used, and most will be happy to hear that it was Abrams' intention to take the next film back to a more hands on place, using practical effects and puppetry as they did so well in the original trilogy. That said, the older actors on the set might not have been so thrilled about that, with Hamill's alledged near-death experience on a mountainside and Harrison Ford's leg being broken under the weight of the Millennium Falcon, lets hope that the finished footage isn't heavily cut to avoid shots of a struggling cast. What do you think about Mark Hamill's role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread below.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.