Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Batsh*t Crazy Theories About Rey's Parents

7. She's Anakin Skywalker's Force Twin

Thought you'd seen the last of those f***ing midi-chlorians? Well, they'll be factoring into the new trilogy in a major way if this theory is to be believed. With so much speculation surrounding Rey's parents, it's understandable that some fans eventually considered the fact that she was magically brought into the world the same way Shmi Skywalker claimed Anakin was, but why anyone would want this plot thread to be resurrected is hard to say. Nonetheless, the fact that Rey had a connection to Anakin's old lightsaber and appears to be extremely powerful despite never being trained has really helped this one to gather a lot of steam. The problem with this theory is that bringing the midi-chlorians back into the Star Wars Universe massively complicates things. Unless we were to get a throwaway line about Rey being "born from the Force", this is something which would require a lot of explanation, all the while bringing back one of the most unpopular things which were introduced to this world in the prequels. It just doesn't make a lick of sense. Stranger things have happened though, and it does seem like this new trilogy is going to find a way to link Rey, Kylo Ren, and Darth Vader. If that's the end goal though, there have to be better ways to do it than this!

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