Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 8 Huge Things They Didn't Show Us In The Trailer

7. Familial Ties

Ever since it became clear that the film would feature both the series€™ original three heroes, as well as a new generation of characters, speculation has swirled around who would be related to whom. Many believe that Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia, while some more out-there theories have Kylo Ren as their estranged son.

Likewise, there€™s rumours that General Hux is Luke€™ son, who is really working undercover with the Resistance. Naturally, most of these relations would be pretty major revelations for the plot, so it's certainly understandable why they wouldn€™t give away anything so major in a trailer.

Of course, we don't definitively know that any of the characters will actually be related to each other, save for Luke and Leia. With so many rumours floating about, it would be easy to crowd this list with suspicions that obviously were never going to be resolved in the movie, much less the trailer.

But everything really lines up here to give this suspicion a lot of credence. Family has always played a key role in the series, the new batch of lead characters are al the exact age range that Luke, Han or Leia's children would presumably be, and it would justify how all of the characters become embroiled in the same conflict.

With arguably the series€™s most iconic moment coming at the reveal of Darth Vader as Luke€™s father, surely The Force Awakens could be building towards an €œI am your father€ moment of its own.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.