3. Han Solo's Funeral Scene
One of the most unforgivable things about The Force Awakens concerns the lack of fanfare surrounding the death of the saga's most popular character, Han Solo. Han is killed during what is arguably the most intense scene of the movie, stabbed through the heart by his own son, Kylo Ren, after which his body plummets into a great abyss (and then is assumedly disintegrated when Starkiller Base explodes). Thing is, once this happens and Rey has cried a little bit, Han's death is sort of brushed under the carpet. Yes, Rey and Leia share a hug when they get back to the Resistance Base, and there's a very brief shot of Chewbacca looking distressed, but that's it. Han Solo deserved a lot more than a few underwhelming reaction shots - there should have been a fully-fledged funeral scene in which he's commended and mourned properly. Even Qui-Gon Jinn got a funeral scene, and he was only in one film. The amount of screen time dedicated to Han's death was about twenty-five seconds. Audiences needed a real scene in order to process the event; without it, the impact of the death is lessened. If nobody in Star Wars seemed to care, why should we? Big mistake with this one. Huge.
Sam Hill
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.
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