Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9 “Spoilers” We Already Know Are Lies

6. Finn Is Lando Calrissian's Son

A movie€™s merchandise can always give away crucial plot secrets, with the soundtrack release of The Phantom Menace €“ which came out just before the movie €“ casually mentioning €œQui-Gon Jinn€™s Funeral€ in the track listing. Studios are a bit more cautious about spoilers being leaked by merch now, but there appeared to be a major slip-up when a toy for new character Finn revealed him to be the son of Lando. People have been trying to make the Lando connection with Finn from the beginning €“ based entirely on skin colour €“ but there€™s no concrete evidence to support that idea. Since the toy was listed by a private seller - and not by Disney or Lucasfilm €“ who has no insider knowledge of the film or the story, it€™s likely they just attached the name to get people talking about the listing. The item is also listed as a rare collectable, which seeing as there will be a hell of a lot of Finn toys made for Christmas, makes the accuracy of the description really dubious.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.