Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9 “Spoilers” We Already Know Are Lies

1. Luke Is Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren appears to be the major villain of The Force Awakens, and has been prominently featured on the posters and trailers for it. His origins are still a mystery, though he appears to be a disciple of Darth Vadar and is determined to €œfinish€ what he started. Rumours have placed him as everything from Han and Leia€™s son to Rey€™s brother, with the most ludicrous theory stating that he€™s really Luke Skywalker having turned over to the Dark Side. Even if the film does reveal that Luke has turned evil, people only have to look at Ren to know that it€™s not a 64-year-old man running around in that outfit. Adam Driver has announced as playing the character, and has been seen in costume on set without his mask on. Driver has talked about Ren in various interviews and J.J. Abrams has praised his performance. Although his face isn€™t seen in any of the trailers, he is seen from behind without his mask. Even if that person isn€™t Driver €“ and it almost certainly is €“ that slim, dark haired figure sure as hell isn€™t Mark Hamill. Have you got other Star Wars: The Force Awakens €œspoilers€ that have been thoroughly debunked? Share them in the comments tread.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.