Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 9 “Spoilers” We Already Know Are Lies

2. Jar Jar Will Be A Major Villain

A disturbingly in-depth fan analysis of Jar Jar Binks (why would anyone want to write such a thing?) has convinced people that the character will be revealed as the villainous Supreme Leader Snoke. The theory goes that Jar Jar is a Sith master who was in league with Palpatine the entire time, who hid his true nature by appearing to be the most annoying creature in the universe. He deceived his way onto the council so he could hand power over to The Emperor, and his actions played a large part in Anakin€™s downfall. With the end of The Empire he€™s revealed his true name to be Snoke, and has plotted to seize power ever since. J.J. Abrams €“ who is normally one to let rumours hang in the air €“has flat out dismissed the idea that Jar Jar will be a villain in the movie, or that he€™ll appear in the movie at all. Nobody wants to see the character come back, even if they tried to redeem him as a badass villain.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.