Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Power Ranking Every Character

2. Supreme Leader Snoke

You don't get a title like Supreme Leader without a fair amount of power. Though we've not yet seen the mysterious new big bad of the Star Wars universe (the replacement for Darth Sidious), the only real reveals suggest he's worthy of the top villain billing. According to JJ Abrams, he is in charge of Kylo Ren (the boss of the most fearsome looking character inevitably surpasses him) and is an important figure on the Dark Side of the Force. That's not exactly a rich description, but the hints are there. It will probably be Snoke's evil machinations that drag the Empire back from being the underdogs in the fight to being the ones with all the power. Because there can be no question that the first movie is going to end on something of a downer with the Empire back as a legitimate force: it would mirror the arc of the original trilogy, after all. If you haven't yet caught on, that's kind of important to what Abrams has been charged with doing.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.