Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 13 Audacious Moments That Have Divided Fans

9. Leia In Space

Luke Skywalker Rey

Again, thanks to the trailer, most of us went in knowing a moment would come when Leia would find herself under attack from her estranged son Ben/Kylo - and, given the untimely death of the much-loved Carrie Fisher not long after completing work on The Last Jedi, we'd be forgiven for thinking this might be the end of Princess Leia.

For a moment, that's what we appear to be witnessing, as following a blast from Kylo, Leia's seemingly lifeless body drifts off into space - until, somewhat unexpectedly, she uses the Force to fly back into the ship.

While this writer will defend most of The Last Jedi's deviations from Star Wars tradition, this is admittedly one moment that perhaps goes a bit too far. It seems just a little too implausible that Leia - who is known to be Force-sensitive, but to the best of our knowledge never received any Jedi training - suddenly pulling off a physics-defying feat to rival that of Yoda.

Beyond that, on a simple visual level the special effect of flying Leia jsut looks a bit goofy, and the whole moment leaves a bit of a bad taste considering Fisher's passing.

On top of which, it doesn't help that the sight of Leia's body slowly freezing over in the vacuum of space is uncannily reminiscent of similar scenes in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies - and the last thing we want to see from Star Wars is moments that feel like they're ripping off Marvel.


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