Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 23 WTF Moments
4. Where Does Rose’s Love Come From?
It's always nice to have a little heart-warming romance in movies, but when it's completely unearned and comes out of the blue, all it does is open the writing up to criticism. Which is definitely the case with Rose's revelation that she's in love with Finn after saving his life.
Up to that point, there is absolutely no suggestion of that sort of dynamic, and it feels a little like an obligatory story swerve for the sake of manipulating more emotion out of the audience. In truth, it's not that believable and not at all satisfying.
Also, after she's made her heroic near-sacrifice, Rose falls unconscious - it actually seems like she's died in real-time - and Finn is forced to drag her back to the base on a sledge. He arrives with her prone body just as Luke's avatar has eaten the barrage from Kylo Ren's entire heavy artillery, suggesting that he was somehow able to get across the open ground of the salt plains and straight through the line of fire without so much as a scratch.
There's reasonable suspension of belief and then there's this.