Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Power-Ranking Every Character

2. Snoke

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer Snoke

Along with Rey's parentage, the identity of Supreme Leader Snoke remains one of the new Star Wars trilogy's most pressing mysteries. It might end up being the case that he's nobody other than himself (after all, pretty much every other theory has been batted away in some way or other), but it's fairly clear that the ancient evil is a gifted Force wielder.

He's basically the updated Emperor Palpatine, leading Kylo Ren to the Dark Side and commanding the First Order at the same time, and while he might be a more guarded figure, he's clearly just as powerful in the ways of the Dark Side. He's telepathic, can use Force hold and choke and that's probably just the surface of his powers.

Think about it - in order to seduce Kylo Ren to the Dark Side, he would have had to show off powers that made the young man believe he could help him achieve his "destiny" to follow in Darth Vader's footsteps. And that wouldn't be a matter of simple parlour tricks.

We'll see the true limit of his powers for the first time in The Last Jedi, and we should all be prepared for it to be pretty spectacular.


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