Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Power-Ranking Every Character

17. C-3PO

c3po a new hope

He might be a veteran of all three Star Wars trilogies now, but anyone who thinks C-3PO isn't only alive by sheer coincidence - and partly thanks to the superiority of his smaller buddy R2 - is kidding themselves.

The whole point of Threepio is that he's a unit protocol droid who is vastly unsuited to combat situations - that's where all of his comic shtick comes from, and while he's loyal to his masters, he doesn't really have an awful lot of selling points beyond that and resilience. He's barely resourceful, he's a slow-moving shiny target and even his narrative value is pretty limited.

Nice enough guy, but not one to depend on, really.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.