Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Final Trailer Review - 8 Ups & 5 Downs

3. There's Lots Of "Hero Shots" In There

Millenium Falcon Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker

As with the music point, this one's very much a statement on the success of the trailer in terms of the simple things. While the whole thing might have narrative issues (more of that soon), the obvious agenda has been focusing on hero shots and snatches of spectacle that sell a broad feeling for the film.

Rather than being a spoilerific trailer (which a lot of final teasers are), there's more intent here to guard the story (rightly or wrongly) and instead, we get a mood board of hero shots that tease bigger moments. And it would be wrong to suggest that they don't do their job well.

We get a look at the Kylo/Rey lightsaber battle, the Rebel/First Order space battle, the TIE Fighter approach to the Death Star planet sequence, Rey meeting Palpatine, the Rebels rallying together, Rey and Leia sharing a key moment, a hint of Luke's force ghost... and any number of them can - and WILL - be turned into memes for social media. That might sound like a terribly modern, terribly vulgar thing to judge trailers on, but you can hate the game, not the player.


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