Star Wars: The WORST Scene In Every Skywalker Saga Film

6. The Phantom Menace: The Dinner Scene

Star Wars

The Phantom Menace is the inverse of The Empire Strikes Back on this list. Picking the worst scene out of a film composed almost entirely of bad scenes is an equally impossible task. At least Jar Jar Binks helps us narrow it down, since the worst scene undoubtedly has to feature him.

And so our big loser is the dinner scene, where some of the main characters sit down to eat together at the Skywalker residence on Tatooine. First of all, at least most of the other bad scenes in the movie have some action going on to distract you from the hammy dialogue or the wooden performances. This scene has…whatever weird goop people in Star Wars consider food.

Jar Jar’s clueless idiot routine has more than outstayed its welcome by this point and Liam Neeson in particular looks extremely frustrated at having to act alongside this nonsense. Throw in some bland direction from Lucas and boring conversations about Jedi that go pretty much nowhere, and you get a scene that should have been consigned to the cutting room floor. Probably along with the rest of the movie.

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