Steven Spielberg: EVERY Movie Ranked Worst To Best

26. Ready Player One (2018)

ET The Extra Terrestrial
Warner Bros.

Ready Player One is Spielberg's latest movie at time of writing, an action-packed and visionally stunning blockbuster with little in the way of an engaging plot, but enough fun set pieces and pop culture references to keep you engaged.

Unfortunately, with its often overwhelming reliance on the latter and its onslaught of CGI, the film does end up feeling like a bit of a lazy effort for the veteran director.

Spielberg has made a career out of saying important things about big issues, and creating characters who represent a certain place and time, but with Ready Player One he just seems to be standing on the side-lines yelling: "Look how pretty!", and that's a big shame.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other