Suicide Squad: 10 Big Questions Fans Still Have

1. How Will It Affect The Wider DC Cinematic Universe?

A movie with so many characters - and characters that have links to so many other characters from DC comic books - is never merely going to be a standalone offering. So, the question is; exactly how will the Suicide Squad movie affect the wider DC Cinematic Universe going forward? In the comic books, versions of the Suicide Squad have been recruited to take down the likes of Black Adam, Darkseid's forces and Kobra, while they have also been involved with Doomsday, missions to space and various governments, armed forces and agencies around DC Earth, so the potential to include or introduce all kinds of new entities is almost limitless with this movie. Will it set up one of the lead characters as the main villain in a hero's solo movie (Joker for a Batman movie or Captain Boomerang for a Flash movie, for example)? Will it end up causing the emergence of a new hero, due to the Suicide Squad's actions hurting someone they love? Will they recruit more villains in order to take on the Justice League in the future? Audiences will have to wait to discover the answers to those questions, but it will surely impact on the wider DC Cinematic Universe in multiple ways. So there you have it - ten big questions fans still have about the Suicide Squad movie. Did you enjoy this article? Do you want to know the answers to these questions? What other questions do you have about this movie? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow K.J. on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.