Suicide Squad: 10 Big Questions Fans Still Have

4. How Will Jared Leto Portray Joker?

Anyone who took on the role of the Joker a mere six years after Heath Ledger€™s iconic portrayal was going to have to be very brave, very bold and very talented - and that€™s exactly what the Suicide Squad movie has got in Jared Leto. Leto is a truly brilliant actor and is undoubtedly crazy enough to put his own spin on the role and pull it off. His 2013 portrayal of a transgender woman in Dallas Buyers Club earned him an Academy Award as the year's Best Supporting Actor and he has the acting chops to portray the iconic DC villain however he so wishes. Joker is a notoriously malleable character who has been portrayed in many ways over the years - camp, goofy, mischievous, twisted, murderous and everything in between - and if Leto hybridises the portrayals that came before him (the likes of the aforementioned Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson and Cesar Romero), this version could be just as iconic, but it will certainly be compelling to watch exactly how he does it.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.