Suicide Squad: 10 Major New Details You Need To Know About The Ayer Cut

8. A Completely Different Opening Sequence

Joker Deleted Scene
Warner Bros.

You've probably heard about movies which have too many endings, but what about the ones which have too many beginnings? Suicide Squad falls into the latter category as characters received multiple introductions (often with flashy graphics added by the aforementioned trailer editing company), and it seemed to start over and over.

That was a blatant sign of post-production tampering, but when a fan asked Ayer whether Julie Moon/Enchantress was supposed to open the movie and receive a larger amount of screentime, he responded: "Yes - Enchantress / June Moon were more solidly arced out in my cut."

Despite being the lead villain in Suicide Squad, Enchantress didn't get much of an origin story or any sort of real exploration of her motivations. Trailers have shown more of June Moon discovering the ancient force, of course, so chances are the moment she received this curse was meant to serve as a prologue to the larger events of Ayer's film in his director's cut.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.