Suicide Squad: 10 Major Reveals From The New Images

6. Harley Quinn Meets Katana

Empire Magazine weren't allowed to watch scenes with The Joker being shot, but they did get to witness what sounds like a very cool interaction between Harley Quinn and Katana. It kicks off with Deadshot, Diablo, Boomerang, Slipknot, Harley Quinn, and Killer Croc all boarding a Chinook helicopter (the aforementioned vomiting scene with the latter comes right at the end), with Rick Flag later joining them and introducing the villains to Katana. Unless he's trying to simply intimidate the team, he actually reveals a surprising similarity to the comic book version of that character while doing so! "She's got my back," Flag informs the Squad. "I'd advise not getting killed by her - her sword traps the souls of its victims." Harley extends her hand, perky and smirky. "Harley Quinn, nice to meetcha. Love your perfume. What is that: Stench of Death?" Including The Soultaker is a very interesting move, and one which points to a great deal of faithfulness to the source material here. Harley's line sounds like something torn straight out of the comics too, and while it's hard to say how well dialogue like that will come across on the screen, it's exciting nonetheless. Of course, given another character's role in Suicide Squad, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised about Katana's sword...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.