Suicide Squad: 10 Major Reveals From The New Images

5. Cara Delevingne's Deranged Enchantress

Will Enchantress be part of Task Force X or Suicide Squad's main "villain"? That has yet to be revealed, but actress Cara Delevingne did shed some light on her take on the character who was introduced way back in 1966. Delevingne will actually start off the movie as June Moon, and described her as follows: "June is an adventure seeker who's always wanted some excitement. And she gets what she wished for, but in a terrible way. At the start of the movie she discovers a cavern and finds...something...within." That "something" is Enchantress, and like the comics, June will become possessed by that magical entity (dealing with this sort of material obviously helps to kick the door wide open for characters like Justice League Dark and Shazam). "She's an ancient sorceress," the model turned actress explains. "A feral being. She's ben trapped for so long and no she's finally let out." With Delevingne set to play two very different characters, Empire asked how she prepared for that, and as well as freaking out her follow hotel guests by crawling around a steam room in a demonic fashion, she teased; "I'd gather the accent, which is deeper and posher than June's. And I'd last Nick Cave's Red Right Hand, that song about the devil. Also a lot of Megadeth. Just evil stuff." Enchantress might just be the most intriguing part of this movie right now, and the role she ends up playing in Suicide Squad is clearly a significant one judging from these comments.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.