Suicide Squad: 10 Reasons It Will Save The DC Cinematic Universe

1. It's Something New

This has already been touched on heavily, but it's going to prove to be such an essential part of what (potentially) makes Suicide Squad work that it needs its own point to be aired. The team is unknown to the general public, an obscure curio with only a small, devout fan-base. Something like that probably has studio executives getting all tense, but it's exactly what DC needs to do for their shared universe to succeed. That is, after all, why the Marvel Cinematic Universe worked in the first place. Iron Man, Thor and Captain America were B-list characters the general public had no idea about, making seeing them brought to life a totally fresh experience. Sony can reboot Spider-Man as often as they want, but it'll never again match the thrill of seeing some new heroes magicked into existence. Who is Boomerang? What's so special about Enchantress? They're the same sort of questions people were asking about Guardians Of The Galaxy, and everyone knows just how that went. Besides the Joker (and even then it's a radically new take on him), there's no reason for anyone to think they've seen any of this before. Even Harley Quinn, who most people will be aware of thanks to Batman: The Animated Series/the Arkham games/relentless cosplay, will have an element of freshness to her, with Margot Robbie's take being the first live-action version of the character. DC may currently playing second fiddle, but they may just be taking the steps to try and right that. Are you excited for Suicide Squad, or is it yet another major mis-step from DC? Have your say down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.