Suicide Squad: 15 Major Reveals From The New EW Details
12. Waller's Ulterior Motives

If there's any doubt that Amanda Waller is the villain of the piece, there's confirmation in her biography that she's not entirely what she seems, and that she's singularly committed to her own agenda:
"Don't screw with U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller. Ambitious and devious, she has big plans, and no meta-human or military protocol is going to get in her way."
So even if she's working on behalf of the government, she won't answer to her taskmasters if it means compromising on her intent. But what is that agenda? Is she as interested and appalled by meta-humans (an interesting, loaded choice of word) as Lex Luthor? Will they be aligned in some way?
The bios also seem to set up a twist of allegiance by Rick Flag, and implies friction between him and Waller. You can almost see it coming over the horizon:
"The all-business leader of the Suicide Squad executes Amanda Waller's orders—though he may not always agree with her goals or methods."