Suicide Squad 2: 10 Comics James Gunn Should Adapt

6. The Final Mission

Wonder Woman Harley Quinn Suicide Squad
DC Comics

In the finale to the original Suicide Squad run, the team has a lot on their plate. There is a small island nation between Cuba and the Bahamas with a dictator who has been tormenting the inhabitants into subservience. What's really insulting, however, is that this dictator also calls his group of enforcers the Suicide Squad!

In response, the Squad rallies to go and dethrone the dictator and make sure they're the only ones who can use (and abuse) the Suicide Squad name.

The appeal of this story is not so much the simple premise, which allows for great fights and action, but the fact that the dictator also has some severe powers that make him a lot more difficult to unseat than it should be. His greatest power is a telepathic field that shows the fears of those within it, with Waller being haunted by the ghosts of all who had died on the team before. It's a bit chilling, but it makes for a fascinating study of the team's characters.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!