Suicide Squad: 8 Things That Need To Happen

8. Make Deadshot And Harley Quinn Memorable Characters

Deadshot is one of the most fascinating characters in the DC Universe. An assassin whose marksmanship borders on superhuman€”and a broken warrior, whose desire to die makes him unpredictable and dangerous. Harley Quinn is a fan favorite. A cute, bubbly and ultimately unhinged ex-psychiatrist who was seduced into madness by the most evil man in the world. They enter a cinematic universe spearheaded by Zack Snyder and Chris Terrio. and will be written and directed by Ayer, and portrayed by talented actors in Will Smith and Margot Robbie. It€™s a perfect storm that should produce perfect performances, and if this film doesn€™t leave audiences awed by these iconic characters€”then Warner Bros. made a grave mistake somewhere along the way. Ayer needs to delve deep into both of their psyche€™s. He needs to explore Deadshot€™s mental state and his search for the perfect death, as well as what makes Harley tick, and what draws her into€”and potentially rips her free from€”her dark romance with the Joker. Smith is an incredibly talented and versatile actor€”the kind that can play a charming badass just as well as he can play an identifiable and emotionally vulnerable man. Similarly, Robbie has the looks, voice and presence to embody her character in spades, and while neither has played characters like these before, character and actor can bring out the best in each other in both cases€”and they absolutely need to. Much of Squad€™s success hinges on whether or not this team can deliver truly memorable interpretations of these characters. Doing so will set a great foundation for the movie and allow audiences to comfortably strap in and enjoy the ride.

I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+