Suicide Squad: 8 Things That Need To Happen

2. A Great Teaser For The Batman Solo Movie

This movie is confirmed to have scenes with Ben Affleck as both Bruce Wayne and Batman. It also has four confirmed members of his rogues gallery, possibly more, as well as the greatest enemy he€™s ever face looming over the entire production. This isn€™t just a stand-alone movie. It seems to be using Batman€™s mythology in a clever way to bridge the rest of the Extended Universe, and expose some of the lesser known parts of the DC world. Suicide Squad will also feature the first encounter between Affleck€™s Batman and Leto€™s Joker, and fans are very interested to whether they will click and capture the same manic magic of the Dark Knight. Ayer needs to handle all of these Batman elements with care, as he and the Joker are two of the biggest box office weapons this movie has. But with so many in the air, it€™s important that he not lose sight of this being a Squad movie foremost. Still, an Affleck-directed, Terrio-written Batman movie, starring Affleck himself, along with Leto, Robbie, Jeremy Irons, and possibly even Smith€™s Deadshot is likely on the way, and it€™s smart of Warner Bros. to begin building buzz for that now. If Affleck and Leto are unforgettable in their roles here, then fans will be counting the days until the Clown Prince breaks free and returns home for a final confrontation with the Caped Crusader. The best thing an episode on television can do is make people want to tune in for the next one. If Ayer wants Squad to be great, he needs to embrace that philosophy, and tell a great self-contained story that genuinely leaves audiences desperate for more.

I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+