Suicide Squad: 8 Things That Need To Happen

1. Fill The Gaps In The DCEU Mythology

Why is Suicide Squad coming out before Wonder Woman and Justice League? It seems as if both it and Batman v Superman are serving as gateways into the rest of the DC Extended Universe. Warner Bros. seems to be viewing 2016 as €˜DC Year One€™, cleverly and organically crafting its world through two storylines that are direct responses to the events of Man of Steel. If rumors are true that two to three years have passed between Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, and that this story will be placed somewhere between them, it€™s perfectly placed to explore how the world reacted and changed after Superman€™s arrival, and how things got where they were when he faced off against Batman. This movie should deepen the world that Snyder started by setting up characters like Waller and Deathstroke, and organizations like ARGUS and Cadmus. It should explore Batman€™s past through the criminals he€™s put away, and fuel excitement for the other Justice League members by showing off the villains they may eventually face. To be great, Suicide Squad must justify its early placement by filling in the details of the past and teasing an exciting future for the DC Extended Universe in ways that fans can€™t even predict right now. It has a lot of anticipation riding on its shoulders, and fans won€™t know what to expect until the first trailer drops, but if Ayer knocks off at least half of these ideas, he guarantees himself a great comic book movie that can become one of the biggest events of the year. What do you think Suicide Squad needs to do to achieve greatness? Sound off in the comments section below.

I'm a writer and musician living in New York City. I'm a huge fan of all types of films, comic books and anything with a great story, and an even bigger fan of drinking excessively on Saturdays. If you want to reach me to let me know what you think of my work (good or bad), you can reach me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+