Superhero Costumes in Film: 5 That Were Awesome and 5 That Sucked

2. The Avengers - The Avengers/Avengers Assemble (2012)

Akin to The Watchmen, the difficulty in whittling down a single post-2008 Marvel character is too much. From the technologically advanced supersuited-playboy-billionaire to the ultimate Nordic warrior, costume-wise, The Avengers had it all but covered. In a similar vein to The Watchmen, what truly ensured the success of The Avengers' costumes was their realism. Obviously, the advanced capabilities of each individual's costume was axiomatically unreal, though the realism in which each was presented was not. In other words, The Avengers was a film that the viewer could relate to due in part to the feasibility of each hero's costume. Admittedly, not every Avenger impressed. Captain America, the alpha of this pack, could not at all be taken seriously with a mask that was seemingly shaped to resemble a blue Mr Potato Head. Personally, I found the more militant version of Captain America: The First Avenger to be a triumph. Alongside the other, more up-to-date Avengers, Captain America appeared misplaced; ironically apt for a man who had been frozen in time for 70 years.
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Aspiring film journalist, currently studying English at The University of Sheffield. When I'm not busy devoting my day to home cinema and retro gaming, I'll usually be found confined to my laptop; scouring the pages of IMDb for the latest updates on the silver screen.