1. Batman - Batman (1989)

Somewhat predictably, a Batsuit tops this list of awesome superhero costumes. Though, it is not the sleeker, less conspicuous Batman of Christopher Nolan fame, but rather the suave, heroic creation of Tim Burton. For many, the placing of Michael Keaton's costume above the Val Kilmer and Christian Bale envisions may be seen as quite controversial. However, cast aside the current tone associated with the Caped Crusader, to a time when Batman took himself a little less seriously, and it is undoubtedly clear which Batsuit reins supreme. In an attempt to steal away from the unconvincing appearance of the Adam West era, Warner Bros. drafted in acclaimed Gothic director Tim Burton. In turn, Burton produced arguably the most iconic superhero costume to hit the big screen. Although initially criticised for the manner in which it overtly attempted to identify itself away from the classic comic book appearance, the fact remains that, with hindsight, it is blindingly obvious that Burton's Batsuit was
the Batsuit; with which, the Dark Knight became a vessel of justice. You've seen the best. So click "Next" to find out the worst...