7. Don't Try To Live Up To The Original Films
With the inestimable legacy and iconography of the first two Terminator films, trying to live up to them simply isn't going to work, no matter how many referential lines of dialogue you throw into the script. The best approach for T5, T6 and T7 is to simply
not try to live up to that legacy, and just craft something entirely different that stands on its own two feet, not indebted to what came before it. This new film should focus on crafting its own visual style, its own brand identity and so on, rather than try to simply live off James Cameron's table scraps. The mistake with T3 and T4 is that they felt the need to throw in every visual motif and reference they possibly could, such that audiences were constantly reminded of the awesomeness of the original two films, which given their impossibly high regard among fans, isn't such a great thing. If these films want to do anything other than tug on the pant-leg of the original films, they need to move away from them where possible.