10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

1. Tomorrowland

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp

Estimated Losses: $100-120m

The first creative misstep of Brad Bird's directorial career, Tomorrowland is a movie full of ideas but also one desperately short on ways to flesh them out. The director's second live-action feature is as visually accomplished as we've come to expect, but a weak and often-cliched script have seen it become the worst-reviewed movie of his career.

As a writer, Damon Lindelof has always been good with concepts, but generally struggles to extend his ideas into something that can sustain a full-length feature. While the production design, special effects and most of the performances are excellent, an over-reliance on exposition and some muddled, undercooked plot points see Tomorrowland struggle to elevate itself above mediocrity, despite the movie being shot through with an infectious enthusiasm and real sense of wonder.

Despite opening at the top of the domestic box office with a debut weekend of $33m, Tomorrowland is set to be one of the biggest box office bombs of 2015. With a budget of $190m and marketing costs rumored to bring the total cost of the project up to $330m, the movie's current worldwide gross of $196.5m sets Disney up for a projected loss of well over $100m.


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