10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

2. Jupiter Ascending

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp
Warner Bros.

Estimated Losses: $90-100m

After Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and now Jupiter Ascending all resulted in hefty financial losses for the studios involved, it would be safe to say that the Wachowskis have little chance of securing another $100m-plus for their next project. While it is visually stunning and incredibly ambitious, the siblings' latest feature is crippled by a plot that is drowning in exposition, and also sheer nonsense.

While their talent for world-building and visual style cannot be denied, Jupiter Ascending struggles under an incredibly convoluted plot, a cliched 'damsel in distress' heroine and some on-the-nose socio-political subtext. While the Wachowskis should be admired for attempting to create something so distinctly unique in an age of sequels and franchises, the final product is all style and no substance.

With a budget of $176m, Jupiter Ascending was always going to be a huge gamble, and a disappointing opening weekend of just $18.4m ensured that the movie was doomed to fail. While the project did just about earn back its budget thanks to a worldwide total of $181.9m, the extensive production and marketing costs will see the movie post a total loss of close to $100m.


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