10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

8. The Gunman

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp
Open Road Films

Estimated Losses: $35m

Following in the footsteps of Neeson, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Travolta, Costner and others, two-time Academy Award winner Sean Penn threw his hat into the 'geri-action' ring by starring in The Gunman (as well as taking a co-writing and producing credit), with Taken director Pierre Morel behind the camera.

Javier Bardem, Idris Elba and Ray Winstone co-star in a tired story concerning double-crosses and revenge, with director Morel failing to provide any memorable action sequences amongst the overly-familiar narrative. In fact, the most memorable thing about the movie is probably Penn's physique, with a laughable amount of shirtless scenes surely only included to highlight the hours the 54 year-old put in at the gym.

While the idea of Sean Penn starring in an R-rated action movie is a curious one indeed, audiences didn't seem to pay much attention and The Gunman flopped hard at the box office, opening in fourth place on the domestic charts with just $5m. Worldwide, the movie earned just $15.4m against a $40m production budget, most likely ensuring that a jacked-up Sean Penn will never again wield an assault rifle on the big screen.


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