10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

6. Strange Magic

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp

Estimated Losses: $40-50m

Despite boasting some strong animation courtesy of ILM, Lucasfilm's Shakespeare-inspired Strange Magic came burdened with the now-dreaded 'story by George Lucas' credit. Loosely based on A Midsummer Night's Dream, by the time the box office receipts came in the movie looked a lot more like a nightmare.

Reportedly, Lucas had been developing the project for 15 years, which surely must have come as a surprise to the very few people who paid to see the finished movie. Strange Magic's greatest strength is easily the visuals, but narratively it is a collection of half-baked ideas and ill-placed pop songs that result in a movie that is indeed strange, but not very magical.

Although Lucasfilm have yet to release the official budget for the project, computer animation isn't exactly cheap to produce and Strange Magic suffered the ignominy of suffering the worst opening weekend of all-time for an animated feature debuting in over 3000 theaters with a paltry $5.5m. Worldwide, the movie earned just $12.4m, surely resulting in a hefty write-down for the studio.


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