10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

5. Child 44

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp
Estimated Losses: $13m for Lionsgate, $50m total

You could easily be forgiven for forgetting that this movie even existed; the big-screen adaptation of Tom Rob Smith's literary thriller came and went from theaters so quickly that it never stood a chance at box office success, while the refusal of many Eastern European countries to screen the movie virtually killed any chance Child 44 had of making money overseas.

As for the movie itself? Despite being Daniel Espinosa's follow-up to breakout hit Safe House, produced by Ridley Scott, led by the always-reliable Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman and backed by a starry supporting cast including Noomi Rapace, Joel Kinnaman, Vincent Cassel and Jason Clarke, Child 44 is an uneven combination of genres, with a relentlessly serious tone that manages to turn an engaging central story into a sub-par thriller.

The movie was dumped into a limited number of theaters with virtually no marketing campaign behind it and sank without a trace, earning just $1.2m domestically and $2.1m overseas for a worldwide total of $3.3m. However, due to the sheer number of distributors involved, Lionsgate aren't due to take a huge loss on the movie despite the fact it earned less that a fifteenth of its $50m budget back in cinemas.


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