10 Biggest Box Office Bombs Of 2015 (So Far)

3. Blackhat

Box Office Flops Hardy Kunis Depp
Universal Pictures

Estimated Losses: $80-90m

Michael Mann established a reputation as one of the most unique and distinctive voices in American cinema a long time ago thanks to the likes of Heat, The Insider and Collateral, but the critically-acclaimed writer/director's first movie in six years turned out to be one of the biggest misfires of his entire career.

Although Blackhat's plot surrounding cyber criminals provides some timely subject matter, the movie itself often veers dangerously close to formulaic and predictable territory, with Mann's signature visual style failing to overcome the frequent lack of substance. While it does boast some good ideas, none of them are explored in quite enough depth and Chris Hemsworth's natural screen presence and charisma are wasted thanks to a one-dimensional character.

With a production budget of $70m plus marketing costs, it has been reported that Legendary Pictures took a write-down of up to $90m on the project after Blackhat tanked at the box office. Opening in tenth place in the domestic charts with $3.9m, the movie earned just over a quarter of its budget back, finishing its theatrical run with a paltry worldwide total of $17.8m.


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