10 Dumbest James Bond Villains Of All Time

1. Alec Trevelyan

MGMMGMAlec Trevelyan is Bond€™s old comrade gone bad. Left in an explosion due to some careless fuse-work by James, he hatches a diabolical plan to gain revenge on both his old friend and his country (using the pretext of a yarn about his mistreated Cossack grandparents) by stealing the €˜Goldeneye€™ satellite. This weapon that can send cities into chaos with its electronic pulse. Sean Bean certainly made a good Bond villain, with Goldeneye widely regarded as possibly the best Pierce Brosnan Bond film. However as we'll see his plans weren't exactly foolproof. Why He€™s So Stupid There are numerous reasons for regarding Trevelyan as a bit daft €“ firstly he turns Bond villains€™ penchant for letting 007 off the hook into an art, with armoured trains and exploding helicopters all failing to finish his adversary off. However its mostly his plan €“ steal all the Bank of England€™s money and then destroy London, thus devaluing said money. Even if he did manage to get to a Bureau De Change with his loot, you€™d imagine he€™d be pretty likely to get caught. Dumbest Moment We€™re tempted to say being played by Sean Bean, whose mortality rate is extraordinary. However as he had no choice in that it€™s got to be strapping Bond into a helicopter with its own missiles aimed at it. Trevelyan neglected the possibility that he might use the ejector seat.

Mark Worgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.