The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 8 Reasons To Be Excited

7. A Strong Film As A Foundation

With regards to comic book movies, a large number of the ones that are considered to be the best are sequels that followed quality movies. X2, Spider-Man 2, The Dark Knight and The Avengers are all highly regarded as films and they, of course, followed X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman Begins and, in the case of Avengers, a series of quality Marvel cinematic universe instalments - all of which were great (Spider-Man 2 emphasising that Spider-Man sequels have a 100% record of being great so far!). A large number of the movies considered to be the worst comic book movies ever made followed pretty terrible first instalments - Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Elektra followed Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four and Daredevil - all of which were terrible. With the first Amazing Spider-Man movie as its foundation, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has a great basis on which to become a great, great movie in its own right. Although critique on the first movie was mixed, most of it was positive and anyone with a decent knowledge about Spider-Man knows that it was a great depiction.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.